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Guiding Wright

Ms. Lott Believes


  • YOU have worth & value.

  • YOU have the ability to make wise decisions.

  • A counselor can make a difference in YOUR life.

  • YOU deserve to be treated with dignity & respect.

  • YOU are ultimately responsible for your choices.

  • YOU have strengths that can be built upon.

  • YOU have the power to come together with others for the common good.

  • The school, YOUR family and the community are partners in YOUR education.

  • YOU should never, never give up!


Tips on how to benefit from counseling


  • Attend your sessions and take an active part in them.

  • Be ready to focus on a specific problem or issue.

  • Be prepared for your sessions.

  • Tell your counselor if you don’t think you’re being helped.

Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress,

no matter how slow.

William V. Wright Elementary School

Counseling Curriculum aligns with the

Association of School Counselors Association (ASCA)

National Model for Comprehensive School Counseling

William V. Wright ES

Counseling Department

Grade K – 5

Tawania Lott, Counselor


8425 Bob Fisk Avenue

Las Vegas, NV 89178

702/799-5701 ext. 4301

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The mission of William V. Wright Elementary School counseling program is to provide a safe, supportive, and enlightening environment where students have the opportunity to freely express themselves, enrich their social and academic potential and grow to become responsible members of our diverse community.


Effectiveness of School Counseling

School counselors provide counseling programs in three domains:

  • Academic

  • Career

  • Personal/Social

Their services and programs help students resolve emotional, social or behavioral problems and help them develop a clearer focus or sense of direction. Effective counseling programs are important to the school climate and a crucial element in improving student achievement.



American School Counselor Association's Ethical Standards for School Counselors


Responsibilities to Students

The professional school counselor:

  • Has a primary obligation to the student, who is to be treated with respect as a unique individual.

  • Is concerned with the educational, academic, career, personal and social needs and encourages the maximum development of every student.

  • Respects the student’s values and beliefs and does not impose the counselor’s personal values.

  • Is knowledgeable of laws, regulations and policies relating to students and strives to protect and inform students regarding their rights.



The professional school counselor:

Keeps information confidential unless disclosure is required to prevent clear and imminent danger to the student or others or when legal requirements demand that confidential information be revealed. 


The School Counselor Collaborates With:



Parent education
Community-based referrals
Special planning

Parent conferences

Classroom guidance activities
Behavioral management plans
Intervention implementation to enhance success


School climate
Student support resources
School improvement


Academic support
Social skills
Leadership development
Community-based referrals

Individual counseling
Support groups
Career education

"Children are apt to live up to what you believe of them."

Lady Bird Johnson

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